Tips On Strengthening Penile Muscles
Is strengthening penile muscles really important? Does the size of the penis really matter? Perhaps this is the least important thing during an intimate night with your partner, because what should really interest you is the performance you have during the meeting with your partner. So, it is important to strengthen the penis and the muscles of the vagina if the two of you are to enjoy an intense night of romantic sex. By strengthening the penis, the couple can enjoy pleasure more because they are carried away by desire and not by worries.
If you are interested in strengthening penile muscles, these are the things you can
To begin with, the muscles of the penis are usually strong when there is massive production of the testosterone hormone. This hormone helps in revitalizing sexual energy and strengthens the erections, giving you the ability to perform powerful thrusts on your partner. In strengthening penile muscles to achieve the erection, all you need is to massage your testicles in order to increase the production of this vital element. Better results can be obtained if it is done by a woman.
Woman, pamper your man in strengthening penile muscles for him
After giving him a massage on the testicles, grab his penis and scrotum between your thumb and index finger and pull them forward, while pushing your pelvis back. Pull to the left and then to the right and end down. Repeat it 9 or 18 times for better strengthening penile muscles.
Remember, better sex is hinged on how well-prepared the mind is for the game
Another measure that you should take into account is that your mind should be totally relaxed during intimate encounters. In this way, you will ensure that your performance will be ideal and that it will surprise your partner to the fullest. And you, how do you strengthen your penis? Well strengthening penile muscles is something that some people do easily, while others struggle; especially those suffering from erectile dysfunction. For the latter, the strengthening penile muscles might require a visit to a professional in this area.